About anti-war ~反戦について


However, as you can see from this, it is a strange balance to think about the relationship with the Russian supporters living in the eastern part of Ukraine from the “view of the Russian”.

These conflicts are common around the world, but I think it’s important that people in conflict areas aren’t used for the political will of the big powers and neighbors. When thinking about how people in each region can live in peace, it shows that all eyes must be respected and develop into a conflict.

In other words, there should be no boundaries or political agreements by force, and cultural exchange means that he has a history of sharing peace with each other by accumulating “somehow” through the accumulation of sweet and gray time. I wonder if he is.

And while this may sound sweet and unreliable, I wish I could abandon armed conflict and aggression and increase the number of exchanges that focus only on everyday pleasures. increase.

It doesn’t have to be based on justice or justice, for example, if you decide on a ritual to give flowers to each other before colliding with each other and then see them with the other person, how to decorate the flowers rather than fighting. I wonder if it’s okay to have a faint world that distracts me.

I think this is much better than a missile being shot, it can have a refreshing morning than awakening with a gunshot, and it will also make people interested in beauty and the integrity of thought. It is.

I feel that it is not enough to just appeal for anti-war, and that we can only abandon our armed forces by discussing what kind of world it should be.

ただし、ここから見ても分かる通り、ウクライナ東部に居 住している親口シア派の人々との関係を「口シア側の見方」で考え過 ぎでもおかしなバランスになってしまうのです。

こうした 紛争は世界各地で見られることですが、重要な事は、紛争 地域の人々が大国や隣国の政治意思に利用されないことに あると思います。 各地域の人々がどうすれば平穏に暮らせ るのかを考える時、どの眼差しも尊重を持たなくては紛争 に発展することを表しています。

つまりは、武力による境 界線だったり政治合意は取るべきでなくて、文化交流とい う甘くてグレーな時間の積み重ねで 「何となく」 を重ねて 行き、お互いの平穏を共有できた歴史を持てるといいのに なあ、と思うわたくしです。



